How building owners & facilities managers can keep up with and meet the ever-changing fire door regulations in the UK

By Simon Kelly, Operations Manager – Inspection Services at Halspan


Fire safety is of paramount importance, and fire doors play a crucial role in safeguarding lives and property. To ensure optimal fire safety, building owners and facilities managers must stay abreast of ever-changing fire door regulations. The regulatory landscape is constantly evolving to address emerging risks and enhance safety measures. This guide explores how building owners and facilities managers can effectively keep up with and meet these evolving fire door regulations and their legislative obligations.

Understanding the Regulatory Framework

To navigate fire door regulations effectively, it’s essential to understand the regulatory framework. Fire door regulations are primarily covered within the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005, which places the responsibility for fire safety on the “responsible person,” typically the building owner or manager.

Stay Informed About Updates

Fire safety regulations are not static; they continuously evolve. Building owners and facilities managers must stay informed about updates and revisions to fire door regulations. This can be achieved through various means:

Government Sources: Monitor official government websites, such as the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG) and the Fire Safety Order (FSO) Guidance.

Industry Associations: Join industry associations like the Fire Industry Association (FIA) or the Architectural and Specialist Door Manufacturers Association (ASDMA). These organisations often provide helpful updates, training, and resources on fire door regulations.

Consult Experts: Collaborate with fire safety consultants and experts who can provide guidance on regulatory changes and their implications for your specific building.

Conduct Regular Risk Assessments

Fire risk assessments are a fundamental aspect of fire safety management. Conduct regular assessments to identify potential fire hazards and ensure compliance with fire door regulations. Key steps include:

Identify Fire Doors: Determine the location of fire doors and ensure they are correctly tagged and maintained.

Assess Door Integrity: Inspect fire doors for damage, gaps, or defects that would compromise their effectiveness. This should include checking door hardware, vision panels and the fire stopping around the fire door to ensure compatibility and correct functionality.

Document Findings: Maintain detailed records of assessments, including identified issues and actions taken.

Prioritise Maintenance and Repairs

Maintaining fire doors is not just a legal requirement; it is essential for the safety of occupants. Regular maintenance and timely repairs are crucial to ensure that fire doors function as intended in an emergency. Key maintenance activities include:

Routine Inspections: Schedule periodic inspections to check for wear and tear, damage, or signs of non-compliance.

Testing and Certification: Ensure that fire doors are tested and certified by accredited professionals as per the regulations.

Repairs and Upgrades: Promptly address any identified issues and consider upgrades to meet evolving standards and technologies.

Record-Keeping: Maintain comprehensive records of maintenance activities, including dates, actions taken, and certifications.

Invest in Training and Education

Effective compliance with fire door regulations requires knowledgeable personnel. Invest in training and education for staff, including:

Fire Safety Training: Ensure that building occupants are aware of fire safety protocols, including the proper use of fire doors.

Staff Training: Provide regular training for maintenance staff on maintenance, and repair.

Regulatory Updates: Keep staff informed about regulatory changes and their implications for the building.

Collaborate with Industry Experts

Building owners and facilities managers can benefit significantly from collaborating with industry experts and professionals. Engage with:

Fire Safety Consultants: Seek guidance from qualified fire safety consultants who can conduct thorough assessments and recommend compliance strategies.

Fire Door Specifiers: Work with accredited fire door fabricators to ensure new fire door designs match the requirements, not just in function and aesthetics but also in the tested fire performance.  

Accredited Installers/Remediators: Partner with accredited fire door installers/remediators to ensure doors are installed and maintained correctly and in compliance with regulations.

Accredited Inspectors: Partner with accredited fire door inspectors to establish fire door risks against compliance and strategies to reduce this risk.

Certification Bodies: Work with certification bodies that can provide third-party certification of fire door compliance, proving you have met regulatory requirements.

Plan for Future Compliance

As everyone knows, change is a constant in life and fire door regulations will continue to evolve over the years. Building owners and facilities managers should develop a proactive approach to future compliance:

Continuous Improvement: Regularly review and update fire safety plans and procedures to reflect changing regulations and best practices.

Budgeting: Allocate resources for ongoing inspection, maintenance, repairs, upgrades, and management to ensure long-term compliance, which can also extend the life cycle of the asset.

Monitoring and Auditing: Implement a system for ongoing monitoring and auditing of fire door compliance.

In conclusion, navigating the ever-changing landscape of fire door regulations requires vigilance, knowledge, and a commitment to fire safety. Building owners and facilities managers must stay informed, conduct regular risk assessments, prioritise maintenance, invest in education, collaborate with experts, and plan for future compliance. 


By taking these steps, they can ensure that fire doors remain effective in safeguarding lives and property, even in the face of evolving regulatory requirements. Fire safety is a shared responsibility, and compliance with fire door regulations is a critical component of that responsibility.